Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tips for Spring Home Buyers

Today's Globe and Mail has an article on home buying. It cautions people to check to see if the renovations on the home you are hoping to buy are well done. The best way to gauge this is to put a home inspection into the offer to purchase. For $400 you can find out how much life is left in the furnace the roof shingles and how airtight the windows and doors are. It's never a waste of money. If something is halfway through it's lifespan you can plan to replace it in 5 years if you know that's how long it should last. Planning takes much of the risk out of a home purchase.
If you need more information on home buying, I have some videos and brochures from CMHC on renovating, buying and budgeting for a home. Contact me at my website and I'll send the info to you. Happy Spring house hunting. /
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1 comment:

Irongate said...

Nice blog! Thank you for sharing.